Their are many ways you can get access to various famous torrent sites like extratorrent, kickass, piratebay, and many more. As soon as you will read the post further you will know what are torrents and why are the torrents providing websites banned by the ISPs (Internet Service Provider) in the current scenario.
What are Torrents ?
Torrents were initially introduced to download or transfer large size of files between the users safely without errors. Torrent files are small files with the information about the large files the user is willing to download and their location on the specified network, it can be LAN, WAN, or Internet. The problem starts when the torrent websites start sharing pirated content, and also hosting the the torrent files that make the owner of the websites culprit of hosting copyrighted content on their servers.
Why are the torrent sites banned?
The reason behind the banning of torrent sites by the ISPs is that they are providing and sharing copyrighted content like movies, music albums, software, games, and many more. The torrent websites are banned in many countries as per their law. In some countries some sites are banned in some they are not.
How to Access Blocked Torrent Websites ?
ISPs block the URL of the torrent sites in initial cases which is really easy to visit. The ISPs can block the website's URL by following ways :
- By DNS
They disallow allow the domain name resolves to the particular URLs, which is pretty easy to access just by adding https:// before the URL of the site.
- By a Latest Method
ISPs are using this new method to block the torrent site hardly and showing a warning page instead. This method also have a solution to break in.
The ways to access torrent sites are specified below :
- Add https:// before the website's URL or domain name. Like in the image below.
- Use a proxy site to visit the torrent website. Example- https://hide.me/en/proxy
- Use Tor Browser and visit any website 100% anonymously. Read more here
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